ANNALINDE -Dedicated

Zur Einstimmung auf die kommende Saison die Kurz-Doku „ANNALINDE Dedicated“ von Blickinsfrei:

„I think it was 1994 when I held the first video camera of my parents in my hands. Since that day I was infected by the idea of making movies.
The first people I focused my camera on where my friends. I followed them through their life and their passions. The more professional I became the more I lost connection with them. This series is about reconnecting.“

René Eckert (Founder Blickinsfreie), January 2013

Dedicated is a series of short portraits about friends that I have met over the years. Their dedication constantly inspires me everyday. This series is a tribute to my friends.

Episode 10 focuses on urban gardening project Annalinde from Leipzig. Good people + good ideas = good food.


Director of Photography: René Eckert / Blickinsfreie
Producer: René Eckert / Blickinsfreie
Editor: René Eckert / Blickinsfreie

Music: „Self Portrait“, „Sunday Morning“ & „Circles“ by Jahzzar:

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